
EL SEGUNDO : City to Require Permits for Rave Gatherings

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In an attempt to control vandalism and crowds, the City Council voted Tuesday to require promoters to buy a permit to hold large pay-at-the-door parties called raves.

Police can easily identify parties without permits and clamp down on trespassers, officials said.

“This will help to nip rave parties in the bud,” Councilman Liam B. Weston said.

In the past year, four to six illegal parties have been held in empty buildings or warehouses in the city, Police Chief Tim Grimmond said. Typically, the organizers of a rave party pretend to be interested in renting or leasing commercial property and then copy the keys, he said.


After spreading the word about the location of the party, on the appointed night they let themselves in, collect admission at the door, and then leave the area before police are aware of the party.

“The places are pretty much trashed by the time we get there,” Grimmond said.

The new ordinance requires party promoters to meet the Health Department and Fire Department requirements for large gatherings and to show that they have permission to use the property.
