
DISNEY DICTIONARY? If you’re brazen enough to...

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DISNEY DICTIONARY? If you’re brazen enough to call yourself “The Happiest Place on Earth,” you have to expect some people to have a little fun with your image. Disneyland has inspired a new term by the resurrected Spy magazine: “Disneyfication,” defined as “the act of assuming traits more familiarly associated with a theme park than with real life.” . . . . And the knife twist: “Genuine Disneyfication must be tawdry, contrived, and useless.”

MICKEY’S PRISONER: Then there’s Mouth 2 Mouth, a new teen magazine by Time Publishing, which has fun this month with a story by Rachel Camacho, a young woman detained when she tried to slip into Disneyland without a ticket. . . . Writes Camacho: “Disneyland Jail. The walls were covered with pictures of Walt, Mickey and Donald. Rows of happy pictures where those who have defied the Disney Honor are placed . . . They asked if I knew why I was there. I figured it had something to do with me trying to sneak into the park without paying.”

FIRED UP: Women at the county’s Fire Department have reason to celebrate. This is the 20th anniversary of the first woman ever hired by a fire department in America. Also, Jane Van Sickle, the first woman firefighter hired by the county 18 years ago, recently became its second female captain. It now has 3% female firefighters, above the 2% national average. . . . Says Van Sickle: “It was tough at first--a lot of male macho--until I proved myself. Now the men are used to us.”


LEAVING IT BETTER: Before there was a cancer center at Hoag Memorial Hospital Presbyterian in Newport Beach, before there was a Heart Institute there, before it had five outpatient centers, was before Michael Stephens took over as president and chief executive in 1984. Stephens on Tuesday announced he’ll soon leave Hoag for a bigger health services position in Seattle (B1). . . . Says former Hoag chief of staff Dr. Donald Drake: “Few have his strategic vision and leadership. We’ll miss him.”
