
Don’t Blame McNall for This Problem

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Your article in the Oct. 6 Sports section, “Kings Ransom,” was unfortunately misleading. A quick scan of the front page, prominently bearing a photograph of Bruce McNall and carrying the sub-headline, “Team Used Advance Playoff Money to Meet Payroll,” would lead one to believe that Bruce had used such moneys to meet payroll.

However, as the article makes very clear on the carryover page, it was not Bruce, but the team’s new owners, Messrs. Sudikoff and Cohen, who engaged in the practice that was the subject of the article. Moreover, in suggesting that this practice might “irk some fans,” the article fails to point out that other sports franchises engage in the same practice.

Plenty has been written about Bruce of late. While it would be heartening to see a piece about all of his accomplishments and the warmth, decency and generosity of his character, let’s at least not go overboard and suggest his involvement in matters directed by others.



Legal counsel for Bruce McNall
