
Polio Survivors

I would like to write a response to your editorial “A Frightful Disease is Banished” (Oct. 1).

There are many, many thousands of survivors of the polio epidemic that occurred before the discovery of the miraculous vaccine by Dr. Jonas Salk and Dr. Albert Sabin. Most of these thousands of survivors are now suffering with an unforeseen condition known as post-polio syndrome, which is almost more debilitating than the original onset of this dreaded disease, because age has not been a kind factor.

While we all agree that the March of Dimes was certainly there to help during the epidemics, they withdrew their support from polio in 1957 and became active with birth defects.


There has been a misconception for so many years. I would like to alert your readers that if they want to help the survivors of polio who now need wheelchairs, braces and other medical aids, there is a polio foundation in Reseda that does provide all of these needs at no charge, and is completely funded by public donations.

LEE SEITZ, President

Polio Survivors Foundation

