
VENTURA : Weldon Canyon Annexation Studied

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Ventura should consider annexing Weldon Canyon to block any further attempts to turn the site into a landfill, the council’s environment committee said Wednesday.

The committee members asked the city’s staff to begin preliminary research on the issue and report the results at their December meeting. They requested the staff look into annexing an unspecified, contiguous strip of land up to and including Weldon Canyon, which lies about three miles outside the city limits.

The committee made the request after a consultant, Bob Braitman, suggested the idea. Braitman is the former head of the Local Agency Formation Commission, a state agency that deals with annexation and border issues.


The idea of a landfill at Weldon Canyon has loomed for the past decade but appeared to die in 1993 when Waste Management Inc. withdrew its plan in the face of probable defeat before the County Board of Supervisors.

A San Diego partnership, Taconic Resources, revived the idea with a spring petition drive. Enough signatures were collected to qualify the initiative for the November ballot, but the measure was removed in August after a judge declared it illegal.
