
Materials for Making Drugs Seized Near High School

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Three propane tanks containing ingredients for drugs, two of them potentially explosive, were seized Tuesday in a house across the street from Valley High School, state and local officials said.

“Personnel from the school said kids were hanging out there,” said Gary B. Hudson, an investigator with the state Department of Justice.

Hudson said that 400 pounds of what police believe was ephedrin, used in making methamphetamine, was seized at the house in the 2200 block of West Harvard Street. No arrests were made, and Hudson said police thought the material produced at the house was taken to laboratories elsewhere to complete the process.


On hand for the seizure were Santa Ana hazardous materials and fire units.

According to fire officials, one of the propane tanks seized was leaking and two others were in potentially explosive condition.

Hudson said that if the tanks, which had no valves or regulators, had tipped over “they would have exploded and taken the roof off the house.”

Police said the investigation is continuing.
