
Yorba Linda : Docents’ Aim: Lure Limbaugh to Library

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Among the famous names in the guest book at the Richard Nixon Library & Birthplace, one that two docents consider important is missing: Rush Limbaugh.

Docents Chris Naughton and Callie Jones have spent weeks preparing a package that they hope will lure the controversial radio and television talk-show host to visit the museum.

“We must have too much time on our hands, but we have really gone all out on this,” Naughton said.


After failed attempts by library officials to schedule Limbaugh for a speaking engagement, Naughton and Jones decided to take on the challenge.

“We really like him, but aside from that it would be a real economic boon to the library to have him here,” Naughton said.

The two have faxed cryptic messages to Limbaugh, telling him to watch for a big announcement from the Nixon Library.


In a letter to Limbaugh, Naughton and Jones offer a variety of incentives, including transportation from the airport to the museum in a helicopter; lodging at the hotel where the Nixons were married and a personal tour of the library, with them as tour guides.

“If you don’t come to the Library, we’ll be the laughing stock of the town. We’ll have to resign as docents so (library officials) won’t have us to kick around anymore,” the letter ends.

“If he doesn’t accept, we’ll send him this letter every week until he does,” Naughton said. “I don’t know if this will work, but I can’t imagine what more we can do.”
