
For dedicated gardeners, here are suggestions...

For dedicated gardeners, here are suggestions from the California Assn. of Nurserymen on what to do in the garden this week:

* Is the garden lacking some bright spots of color? If so, plant colorful chrysanthemums, primrose and violas. They’ll bring life to autumn gardens.

* Do a final garden clean up this month. Rake old blossoms and leaves from under fruit trees, camellias and shrubs. Remove from the garden. Pull out old tomato and squash vines as well as other old vegetable plants. Mark dead boughs with a piece of twine or old cloth so you’ll know which ones to remove during dormant pruning.


* To keep Bermuda grass lawns green all winter overseed them with Perennial Rye grass and then top dress.

* For a show of color right through winter and into spring, plant cyclamen.
