
PANORAMA CITY : Shoppers Invited to Spread Yule Cheer

San Fernando Valley service groups are uniting to help bring joy to 180 foster children this Christmas season by hanging handcrafted tree ornaments bearing the names of the children in each of the 57 stores in the Panorama Mall.

Beginning Wednesday, shoppers are invited to select one of the ornaments bearing the name of a foster child and his or her gift wish. Donations go toward purchasing that child’s gift. Or shoppers may purchase a gift themselves.

A participating shopper can receive a pewter ornament with the child’s name engraved on it. Collected gifts will be wrapped and distributed at a holiday party at the mall attended by the children and their foster parents.


Representatives of the Easter Seal Society of the San Fernando Valley, the Van Nuys Rotary Club, the Panorama Optimist Club, the Panorama City Women’s Club and the Boy Scouts will be present at the mall at Van Nuys and Roscoe boulevards Wednesday to hang the ornaments. For more information, call (818) 894-9258.
