
Raider Fans Went to Anaheim Stadium, and Soccer Game Broke Out

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As the Joint Operations Commander for Policing at the World Cup games held at the Rose Bowl, I would suggest the use of the Pasadena Police Department and the Los Angeles County Sheriff Department for policing at the next Ram-Raider game. We spent a lot of time and effort preparing to deal with hooligans at the soccer games and would like to put that training to some use.

DONN BURWELL, Commander,

Pasadena Police Department


This is one person who fervently hopes that the Raiders and Rams leave California soon--and take with them the thugs who were more bent on turning Anaheim Stadium into a slugging arena than enjoying a game last Sunday.

Such a hope is based on one proviso--that the thugs keep going past the three-mile limit in the ocean so as not to contaminate other parts of the United States.



Santa Ana


This was my first Raider game and my last. What kind of people go to these games? Do the jails give weekend passes to all the inmates? The $23 I spent on my ticket should be refunded. If I wanted to see the fight, I would have paid for Saturday’s pay-per-view and seen Gonzales-Carbajal.


West Covina


What’s the fuss, guys? When players lose their heads on the field, start swinging and then lose a whole week’s pay in fines, when they take cheap shots at opposing players and then watch their victim hauled away on a stretcher, when they and their coaches shout at and curse officials, and when TV offers countless replays of jarring and career-ending tackles, should we be surprised when the goons in the stands imitate the mayhem on the field?


Los Angeles


For Christmas, Al Davis should give Art Shell a stopwatch. He should present it to him at the two-minute mark just before halftime.





The Raiders need to hire a penalty-prevention coach. Obviously, the present staff is incapable of teaching it.


Pacific Palisades
