
Merton Max Gill; Academic Psychoanalyst, Author

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Merton Max Gill, 80, internationally acclaimed academic psychoanalyst who wrote some 50 articles and several books including the recent “Psychoanalysis in Transition: A Personal View.” Dr. Gill, who practiced in Berkeley from 1953 to 1963, was a retired professor at the University of Illinois at Chicago and supervising analyst at the Chicago Institute for Psychoanalysis and the Chicago Center of Psychoanalysis. Among his awards were the coveted Menninger Prize of the American Psychoanalytic Assn., the Heinz Hartman Prize of the New York Psychoanalytic Society and the Hans Loewald Memorial Award of the International Federation for Psychoanalytic Education. He has also been named a 1994 winner of the Mary Sigourney Award for lifetime achievement in psychoanalysis. On Sunday in Chicago of kidney failure.
