
GOP Says Black Caucus Funds Not Targeted for Elimination

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<i> Reuters</i>

Republicans denied Monday that they are targeting the Congressional Black Caucus for elimination but said its funding is being examined as part of an across-the-board look at groups of House members.

Funding for the 41-member Black Caucus “will not selectively be removed,” said Rep. Jim Nussle of Iowa, who heads the Republicans’ House transition team. “I think that’s unrealistic.”

Newsweek reports in its Nov. 28 editions that “new GOP officials plan simply to eliminate funding for the Congressional Black Caucus. Members will be able to meet informally but without the staff support that had helped make the group into a potent political organization.”


Nussle said at his regular daily briefing that House Republicans may eliminate money for many of the 30 such groups in the House.

Known in House jargon as “legislative service organizations,” these groups include the Steel Caucus, Sunbelt Caucus, Arms Control and Foreign Policy group and others formed along regional, commercial or ideological lines.

The groups--which get space, telephones, staff and equipment from funds members cede from their office budgets--have long been a target of Rep. Pat Roberts (R-Kan.), who has charged that they failed to account for millions of dollars in funds.


Roberts is a key member of the Republican transition team.
