
VILLA PARK : Council Picks Patchin to Serve as Mayor

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Bob Patchin, a retired aerospace executive and a scrupulous reader of the fine print, is the city’s new mayor.

“Reading all documents carefully is something I learned to do in my years in the aerospace industry,” Patchin said. “While on the City Council, I’ve been careful to read all the documents, especially the ones about the JPA,” a reference to the Joint Powers Authority.

Patchin was a leading opponent on the council to the suggestion that Villa Park join the proposed countywide fire authority governing board of the 18 cities now served by the Orange County Fire Department.


Patchin said the JPA’s original documents were poorly worded and could have led to tax increases and chaos for Villa Park. Although outgoing Mayor Barry L. Denes successfully negotiated new terms in the document’s wording, Patchin cast the only opposing vote when Villa Park’s City Council finally agreed to join the authority on Oct. 31.

Patchin, 67, was elected by his fellow council members to the mayoral post at the City Council’s Tuesday night meeting. The council chose Councilman Joseph S. Barsa as mayor pro tem.

Patchin was elected to the City Council two years ago in his first bid for public office. He and his wife, Dot, have lived in Villa Park since 1966 and have three grown children.


Patchin says his goal as mayor is to try to keep the city, which has a population of 6,400, as a “semirural, very friendly” community.

“I’ve lived here since the town had 800 people in it, so I’ve seen tremendous change,” he said. “We recognize that there is going to be tremendous construction when the (economic) boom comes back, and I want to try to preserve what we can of our old ambience, in spite of the onslaught.”
