
LAPD Captain Says Coliseum Is Secure

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Regarding the letter (Viewpoint, Nov. 19) from the Pasadena police commander who volunteered his people to police Ram-Raider gams. I can assure him the Coliseum is the best-policed stadium in the country. My officers are the most experienced, best trained, and best supervised police officers there are. I have been the officer in charge of the off-duty LAPD officers at the Coliseum since 1979. While the media make much of fan violence, in truth, less than a fraction of 1% of the spectators are unruly, and we usually eject them before halftime.

I urge all football fans to come to our games, college and professional, and see how enjoyable the event is, and how quickly and efficiently unruly fans are dealt with.


Los Angeles Police Department
