
Youth and the Truth

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Several statements made by Samuel Aborne--the business manager for The Shamrock, John F. Kennedy High School’s student publication--in the Nov. 21 Youth Opinion (“Our Campus Has Been Really Divided on Proposition 187”) need clarification.

Referring to an article concerning the use of marijuana on Kennedy’s campus, Aborne stated that “the administration found the article objectionable” and “the administration got scared at the survey results.” He also stated that “the article appeared to indicate high usage on campus.” None of these statements, however, is founded in fact. No administrator on our campus has ever made such statements. Furthermore, the article did not indicate high usage of marijuana on Kennedy’s campus.

Even students can and have been sued for printing false information. To claim, “It’s my opinion,” is never a justification for printing erroneous information. This incident served as an effective lesson in our journalism class. Hopefully, other journalism students will benefit as well.



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John F. Kennedy High School

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