
Mike Huffington

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Re “Huffington Holds Out for Unlikely Victory in Race,” Nov. 29:

Mike Huffington claims that Sen. Dianne Feinstein’s victory rests on “overwhelming” fraud perpetuated by opponents of Proposition 187. I believe that an elected official should have a great deal of solid evidence before he levels a charge of voting fraud in the United States. Beyond that, though, if the opponents of 187 had committed fraud on such a “massive” scale, why did Proposition 187 itself pass?


Manhattan Beach

I believe the charge of “widespread voter fraud” by Huffington and others should be taken a little more seriously. My wife and I recently moved to Los Angeles from New York. Since we missed the absentee ballot deadline to vote in New York and had not registered out here, we gave up hope in participating in Election Day ’94.

Lo and behold, while walking to buy milk Nov. 8, we passed the neighborhood polling place and ventured inside ostensibly to register for the 1995 election. We were told that we could vote “right now.” No questions asked. No documents requested. We were amazed. We filled out our envelope, signed it and proceeded to vote.


Frightening. I could have been a 17-year-old illegal alien with a felony conviction and no one would have noticed.


Los Angeles

Now Huffington’s privately financed army of volunteers will be going door to door to ask people if they are citizens and if they voted in the right place? How do we get rid of this guy?


Santa Barbara
