
Residents May Have to Pay for Speed Humps

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The average cost of installing a speed hump is $2,000, and that is how much county residents in unincorporated areas may have to dole out to have the traffic-control devices installed.

The Board of Supervisors will consider Tuesday a proposal that makes it easier for residents to request the humps, but at the same time requires petitioners to pay the cost of installation.

Currently, only three county roads have speed humps, with the last installed in 1989, according to a report prepared for the board by William Britt, deputy director of public works. The humps, which measure about four inches high and 12 feet wide, have been effective in slowing traffic an average of seven m.p.h.


In his report, Britt notes that in the last five years, his office has received about 50 requests for speed humps. All were turned down, however, because they did not meet county criteria.

Because of limited funds for traffic officers, Britt notes in his report that alternative methods for controlling traffic are needed in some areas. He recommends that the county ease its criteria.
