
Serb Advance on Bihac

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Do I understand correctly that the Serb armies are being allowed to overrun Bihac, the other U.N. “safe areas” and eventually all of Bosnia? Do I understand correctly that this murderous aggression will be allowed because the Europeans don’t want to get “involved”?

Is this the same Europe that gave us the Kaiser’s and Hitler’s Germany? Is this the same Europe that gave us communism and the Cold War? Is this the Europe that gave us colonial wars of independence all over the globe, including our own?

When “Greater Serbia” eventually invades her neighbors, when Serbia aims nuclear warheads at Paris, London and Berlin, will these same reticent Europeans once again beat a path to our door? Will the United States, as a member in good standing of NATO and the U.N., be called upon to defeat the “monster”? It is time for the U.S. to either take action, unilaterally, against the Serbs, or to withdraw completely and permanently from the U.N. and NATO.



Capistrano Beach

* Send peacekeepers into troubled regions, then claim that no further actions can be taken to remedy the situation because the peacekeepers will get hurt. Logic which only hurts in places like Bosnia, Somalia and all future international efforts.



* The custodians of the U.N. Security Council have timidly surrendered to the might of the militant Serbs, first by cutting arms to Muslims to defend their lives and then allowing Serbs to do everything to punish, torture and rape hopeless and hungry Bosnian Muslims.

The European and American leaders like House Foreign Affairs Committee Chairman Lee Hamilton must be congratulated for their great human rights achievement. We should give gold medals to the great Michael Rose, U.N. commander in Bosnia, Yasushi Akashi and Secretary General Boutros Boutros-Ghali and all permanent members of the Security Council for ending the war in Bosnia by doing everything to allow butchering of more than 300,000 Muslims of Bosnia.


What a new world order! Millions of Christians enjoy holidays while Muslims in Bosnia mourn for their loss of children, husbands, wives, mothers and fathers. It is time for 1.8 billion Muslims of this world to wake up and first stand up to their own corrupt and powerless leadership in their own nations, and thereafter unite together to raise their voice against their unknown enemies who not only control the U.N. Security Council but the economy and the civilization of this world.



* Clearly the time has come to re-evaluate the NATO organization, its usefulness, and the need to reorganize in light of its powerlessness in the Bosnian war crisis. Its ineptness, indecision and dependency upon the U.S. to resolve every crisis can no longer be tolerated.



* We, the West, have lost the first phase of World War III--the struggle against all types of terrorist governments in the world. Today we lost Bosnia, tomorrow it will be Croatia, Slovenia, Macedonia, Albania and, with the resurgence of communist leaders in Eastern Europe, the entire East-European bloc will revert to its creed. Soon will follow the reconquest by Russia of the former territories of the Soviet Union.


We must stop the aggressors while we still have time and power. This stop must be made not in terms of “principles” (which we don’t have or at least are not defending), but for very concrete reasons: One day it will be our turn. We must risk and take preemptive actions and history will be on our side.


Los Angeles

* After tuning in on the morning news regarding the Serbs’ move to take over Bihac, I opened the morning issue of your paper to the front page of more of the same (Nov. 28). On to page A17 and Bob Dole’s comment that we should “get the United Nations Protection Force out of there . . . and let the Bosnians defend themselves.” What a cop-out! I am appalled at his suggestion! I cannot believe that we are going to, once again, let the Serbs massacre yet another group of innocent people. How many towns and cities of Yugoslavia are going to have to fall before we intervene? Of course, if Yugoslavia was oil-rich our troops would be there in a heartbeat!

The TV picture of the faces of those men, women and children of the town of Bihac waiting like lambs for the slaughter will forever remain imprinted in my mind and heart, as will the verbal plea from their spokesperson to a world of deaf people.

I am only thankful that my father, as a first-generation Yugoslavian who was the best American citizen I will ever know, is not alive to witness the disgraceful apathy and “buck passing” of our politicians in the cruel and inhuman destruction of his beautiful homeland.


Mission Hills
