
Bosnia Conflict

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* When Yugoslavia was created after World War I, it was created of three ethnic groups: Slovenes, Croats and Serbs. Now that the West has decided to destroy Yugoslavia, it doesn’t seem enough to dissolve it among the groups that created it, for Serbs would be too “big” for the West, so not only is Croatia granted the Serb lands of Dalmatia and Slavonia, but ethnic groups that have never before existed are recognized by the West (Bosnians, Muslims and Macedonians).

Sen. Bob Dole’s plan to lift the embargo and bomb the Serbs (Dec. 5) begs only one question: What if the Russians say no to his plan? President Clinton’s support of the Muslims and the current borders of Bosnia is encouraging the Muslims in further warfare.


North Hollywood

* The Clinton Administration cave-in to Serbia to please our “allies” is an abomination. While communism was collapsing all over Europe, President Bush encouraged communist Yugoslavia’s Milosevic to hold Yugoslavia together, resulting in Serbia’s war of aggression in Slovenia, Croatia and finally Bosnia. These republics chose democracy in free elections and wished to separate from Serbia and its domination. Bush asked the U.N. to impose the arms embargo on the victims of Serb aggression, knowing that Serbia was in possession of all the arms of former Yugoslavia. Now our government and its allies have the audacity to say that the Serbs have won the war--because they are stronger.



Santa Ana
