
$100 Theft

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A 67-year-old woman momentarily blacked out at a teller machine inside a Rancho Cucamonga discount department store on Dec. 2. While she was in this state someone reached inside the machine and stole the $100 she was in the process of withdrawing for Christmas gifts.

To the person who did this, I want you to know some things about her. At 67 her health isn’t what it used to be. After raising six children and losing her husband of 45 years two years ago, she lives alone on a fixed income of a small pension and Social Security. She started budgeting in June to be able to buy gifts for her family. It wasn’t only her money you took, you chipped away at her spirit, her independence, her feeling of being able to take care of herself.

After the tears were dried, she blamed herself for fainting. Her comment was that she hoped it was someone who needed it for his or her children. I doubt it, and as her daughter, I want to lash out at you and say “how dare you!”


To the strangers who helped her and showed her kindness, my heartfelt thanks for being there when I wasn’t. To the person who is $100 richer, you don’t know how poor you really are. In this season of “goodwill to others,” shame on you.


