
Dropping Football Would Be a Mistake

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With the continuing state budget crunch, it has been suggested that many of the Cal State universities drop football as a cost-cutting measure. Long Beach State and Cal State Fullerton have dropped football to join only a half-dozen large universities without it. Now Northridge and Sacramento are considering this move.

This is a bad idea. A school’s football program cannot simply be measured by accounting principles. To the equation must be added a school’s reputation, student spirit, community involvement, alumni relations, and opportunities for the high school athletes of the region.

I don’t think any state university can be deemed a major, comprehensive university without a football program. Obviously, every university president in America agrees with me--except for the half dozen.


Cal State Fullerton made a big mistake. The small savings in eliminated football expenses have not made CSUF a better place. The athletic department is not better off financially and still operates on a shoestring budget. The administration fails to acknowledge the benefits a top-flight athletic program could bring to the university and the region.

Here in bankrupt Orange County, Cal State Fullerton sits as a dormant giant rather than trying to tap the awesome potential of the region. No tool can accomplish this better than Division I football. It’s shameful that no effort is made.


Huntington Beach
