
McNall’s Attorney Defending His Client Against New Charges

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Your readers should know my bias before reading this letter--I represent Bruce McNall. But what is Helene Elliott’s bias, that she would write a personally scathing attack on Bruce’s career (Dec. 15) based on nothing more than her misinformed musings?

Not only is Ms. Elliott given the power of the pulpit, but, in her mean-spirited view of Bruce’s career, she purports to speak on behalf of “us.” Ms. Elliott does not speak on behalf of me, nor on behalf of the hundreds of supporters of Bruce, who have stood by him, despite the charges, because they know Bruce as a decent, caring and generous man whom they love and respect.

Ms. Elliott’s characterization of Bruce’s career misses what Bruce is all about. Bruce enjoys making people happy, making people’s lives better. Bruce relished making hockey an exciting and popular sport in Los Angeles, not to make a fortune, but for the sheer fun of it.


Bruce McNall has his flaws and has made mistakes. While Bruce’s actions were motivated not by greed but by a misguided effort to buy time while trying to pay off a staggering debt, the mistakes he made were still serious. Contrary to Ms. Elliott’s assertion that Bruce has not shown remorse, he pled guilty and then told the world that none of his many accomplishments made up for “the remorse I feel for the misguided actions that brought me to this point today.”

Tough, hard, honest journalism is one thing. A poison-pen letter based on fantasy and free-floating anger is another. Your readers deserve information and insight, not uninformed venting.


Los Angeles

Editor’s Note--Helene Elliott is the national pro hockey columnist for the Los Angeles Times and has covered the NHL, off and on, since 1980.



Thank you, Helene Elliott. Finally, someone with the courage and wisdom to print an editorial that reflects what I’m sure are the sentiments of countless hockey fans in Los Angeles and around the world.

We are so tired of hearing what a good guy McNall is from the current Kings’ regime, from some of our TV sportscasters, from his attorney and from McNall himself. He is not a good guy. He is a thief, a scam artist and a liar.

Even in jail, McNall is going to make more money from the Kings than most of us will see in our lifetime. For being what he terms a “poor businessman,” he sure cut himself a hefty deal, didn’t he?


Shame on you, Bruce. Go directly to jail.


Los Angeles


Bruce McNall has committed serious crimes for which he will be punished accordingly. However, McNall’s contributions to hockey in Southern California should not be diminished. Before McNall purchased the Kings, there was no Wayne Gretzky, few Forum sellouts, no Stanley Cup finals and no Mighty Ducks.


Los Angeles
