
Mario Cuomo

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Re “Cuomo Blasts GOP for Worst Kind of Politics,” Dec. 17:

So, New York’s Gov. Mario Cuomo recently griped that “Politicians used to think of themselves as shepherds. That’s all over now. Now the politicians are following the sheep: Read the polls! They’ll tell you where to go to pasture.”

What? Politicians are actually doing the will of the people. An outrage! Next thing you know, we will have a government of the people, by the people, and for the people. Heck, we might even end up with a President who actually represents the average American.

One can only marvel at the sheer arrogance and insolent audacity of Cuomo’s suggestion that the American people are “sheep” who must be herded and pushed around by “shepherd” politicians.


I guess this “most articulate and stalwart” of liberal Democrats still doesn’t get it. The days of the self-righteous, all-knowing and elitist politicians dictating the lives of all the little people from on high are over. President Clinton, are you paying attention?


