
The Straight Facts on Masturbation

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I read with great interest Dennis Romero’s article, “It’s Not a Taboo Topic in Some Schools” (Dec. 18).

I must applaud Cathy Golliher’s efforts in ensuring her students are aware that masturbation is not hazardous to your health nor sinful.

This approach is one that can lead to abstention from sex for young people. In my 25 years of teaching middle-school adolescents, I have always tried to be as open as possible when any question is asked.


I do, however, disagree that the topic should stay “away from the personal level.”

Adolescents operate only on the personal level. There is no way to have a truly frank discussion about masturbation without getting personal. Teens listen to and participate in sexual discussions but still leave with the big question: Is it OK for me?


Long Beach


May I offer a reason not to masturbate in response to Robin Abcarian’s column (“It’s Not What Was Said, But How,” Dec. 18).

Evidently 40% of men and 60% of women elect not to masturbate. Many are no doubt sexually fulfilled with partners, but I know many sexually inactive men and women find self-manipulation an unsatisfying, secondary experience and so choose, certainly with difficulty, to refrain.



Sierra Madre


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