
Elections: Funds for Kuykendall Campaign

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Regarding the article “Kuykendall Blends Pragmatism, Ideology” (South Bay, Dec. 8), it appears that we have sent Republican Steven Kuykendall to the Assembly in Sacramento by a razor-thin margin in a most crucial race. The results might have been reversed if voters were aware of the $125,000 contribution made by the tobacco giant Philip Morris--probably weeks before the election but not reported until the last possible moment.

This willful deception puts him into the same class as Willie Brown or Oliver North. Can we now be sure how he will vote when the tobacco company’s interests are at stake? We already have far too many politicians who are willing to compromise their stated beliefs to gain elected office and power. This Machiavellian morality has no place in our democracy and is responsible for the present cynicism and distrust society has for the Legislature and Congress.


Rolling Hills
