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May I be the only sour note in Chasen’s illustriously long history (Film Clips, Jan. 8)?

About five years ago, my husband and I and another couple went there for a drink. Having recently returned from Hawaii, I asked the bartender to make me something tropical. The “seen it all, heard it all” bartender said, “I don’t do that. You have to get that in Hawaii.” I was shocked, but not wanting to ruin everybody else’s evening, I said nothing.

As we were leaving, the maitre d’ (or whatever he was) made a disparaging remark about our friend’s suit. I know you have only my word for this, but I assure you it was not the seat cover of a ’52 Buick.

I could be wrong about this, but I think most celebrity-type restaurants rely on what they may consider Ma and Pa Kettle, but without that Midwest mainstream there just aren’t enough “who’s who’s” of Hollywood to keep them in business.

Moral of the story--no matter how superior you think you are, ya gotta treat the little guy well.


