
‘Sea Jewel’ Offers a Darker ‘Mermaid’

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For those whose only exposure to Hans Christian Andersen’s “The Little Mermaid” is through the Disney film, Dalene Young’s adaptation “The Sea Jewel” at the Open Fist Theatre will be a revelation.

Young has captured the grimness and unrequited longing of Andersen’s original while effectively updating the work to a more contemporary, Americanized setting.

Ula (Arizona Brooks), the daughter of Neptune (Steve Rosenbaum) and a human female (Martha Demson), magically revives evangelical minister Kristen (Tom Blanton), who has thrown himself off a cliff in the hope that should he survive he will be heralded as a miracle-maker. Ula and Kristen fall in love. After Kristen jilts his worldly fiancee (Sherri Stone Butler), the enchanted pair marry, but disenchantment and tragedy are in store for these starfish-crossed lovers.


Young’s thematically rich play, which mingles myth with a healthy dollop of feminist rage, should be a treat for those who like dark and uncensored fairy tales. Unfortunately, Young occasionally crosses the line into parody, a failing exacerbated by bargain basement production values and director Royston Thomas’ sometimes melodramatic staging. With a little more refinement, however, this mermaid play could have legs.

* “The Sea Jewel,” Open Fist Theatre, 1625 N. La Brea Ave., Hollywood. Fridays-Saturdays, 8 p.m.; Sundays, 2 p.m. $15. Ends March 11. (213) 882-6912. Running time: 2 hours, 15 minutes.
