
A Comic Injustice

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I took my 11-year-old grandson (at his request) to see “Ace Ventura: Pet Detective.” During the first few minutes, the F-word was said numerous times. I was ready to leave at that point. As I reached for my coat, Jim Carrey approached a secretary and pulled down his pants, effectively mooning the seated woman. I pulled my grandson up for a hasty exit.

Gene Seymour’s article “Silliness Is No Joke” (Jan. 20) did the great comics a great injustice by comparing them to Carrey. Their names should not even be put on the same page! W.C. Fields, Charlie Chaplin, Laurel and Hardy and the others would never stoop so low.

I am sorry Seymour’s sights have been set so low.



Rancho Palos Verdes
