
CYPRESS : Group Seeks Support to Recall Age, Kerry

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Residents opposed to a proposed carpet warehouse have begun soliciting signatures to recall Mayor Cecilia L. Age and Councilwoman Gail H. Kerry, who voted in favor of the facility.

Bob Pepper, president of the Cypress Recall Committee, said volunteers obtained nearly 1,000 voter signatures on Jan. 28 at only one location.

He said volunteers will be collecting signatures again this weekend for the recall petition. By state law, the group has three months to gather the 4,500 signatures needed to force an election.


Residents in the southern part of the city have contended that the carpet warehouse, which would allow 24-hour truck traffic, would ruin the environment and lower property values in the Valley View Street area.

“Anyone who would approve a monster development like this without thorough investigation of the environmental issues, the safety, quality of life, effects on property values and other concerns for the residents of this area is either very foolish or just simply doesn’t care,” Pepper said.

Age and Kerry have defended their vote for the warehouse and said it will bring tax income to the city.
