
Rap Singer Convicted

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* How dismaying but perfectly in sync with the self-serving whining about the inequities in our judicial system to read attorney Richard Walton’s comments regarding the outcome of the trial wherein his client, Dasean Cooper, was convicted and sentenced for murder (Feb. 4).

Walton states that the real tragedy was the Cooper’s rap career was just taking off. I beg to differ. The real tragedy is the violent and senseless loss of a human life. While I cannot comment on whether or not Cooper got a fair trial, presumably Walton was present during jury selection and bears some responsibility for the make-up of that jury.

As far as the public’s supposed erroneous perception of his client just because he espouses “gangsta rap,” my grandmother had a saying--”If it looks like a duck, walks like a duck and sounds like a duck, it probably is a duck.”



