
Simpson Case Developments

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* On Feb. 12, I witnessed the shortest and one of the most expensive parades for the greatest show on earth. There was the grand marshal (O.J. Simpson), leading the ring master (Judge Lance Ito) and his clowns (the lawyers) down the streets of L.A. In a change of character, one of the largest security forces in history roped off the animals (the media) to protect the caged people (the jury) from being exhibited. What a circus it was.


Santa Ana

* At least twice a day, every day court is in session, the judge admonishes the jury not to discuss the matter with each other until the entire case has been presented to them. Every day they hear conflicting testimony and arguments between attorneys. On some days they see graphic photographs of mutilated bodies and blood-stained articles of evidence. By ordering them not to talk about these things the jurors are left with two choices: to run the words and images over and over in their minds, or to forget them--because the horror is too great.

It’s been long established that in order to remain psychologically healthy we need to talk about the things that disturb us. In order to learn, we need to exchange information and knowledge and opinions with others. Try to imagine a semester of school in which the students are told, on day one, that they are not to discuss anything they’re going to hear during the next six months with any other student. Why not just stay home and stare at a wall?



Studio City

* I’m fed up with the O.J. Simpson trial. When I watch TV all I see is the O.J. trial. On the radio, all I hear is the O.J. trial. When I go outside people are talking about O.J. trial. Even my parents are talking about it endlessly!

How do you think kids react to it? They can’t watch TV, listen to the radio, play outside, or even talk to their parents because they’re into the trial.


Cathedral Chapel School, Los Angeles

* Re “Garcetti’s Political Future May Ride on Simpson Case,” Feb. 8: To say that Dist. Atty. Gil Garcetti is facing political disaster in the Simpson trial is a very unfair assumption. This is not the Ramirez, the Menendez or the Manson judgment, persons totally unknown, until brought to court, to the populace of Los Angeles or, by the same token, to the nation.


The person on trial is probably the most known representative alive of the black community. For this reason alone, is anybody really expecting a total agreement of the 12 jurors in this case? No matter who is prosecuting or who is defending Simpson, there will be no unanimous verdict.


Rancho Mirage

* Apparently, no one plans to mention the absurd and unbelievable situation of the racial makeup of the jury in the Simpson murder trial. How did this ever occur? Just imagine for a moment what would be going on if there were nine white jurors (a pretty accurate representation of the population). Every civil rights group and activist black group in America would be screaming racism. What interesting double values. Are we pretending there are no biases? In any other circumstance, this would be called a stacked jury. I’m afraid it’s time to look for new alternatives.



* I was shocked and dismayed to hear Judge Ito declare to Deputy Dist. Atty. Marcia Clark that wearing an angel pin is inappropriate (Feb. 8).


An angel pin has no particular reference to any person, any group (except angels!), any place, or any event, happening, or action. Angels are symbols of protection--as in “guardian angel.” The fact that Denise Brown has chosen this particular general symbol of protection and grace to denote support for her deceased sister Nicole Brown does not make an angel pin limited to that purpose. No one has the right to either interpret or dictate what an angel does or does not symbolize.

Why does defense attorney Johnnie Cochran protest? Nicole is also the deceased mother of the defendant’s two young children. It would seem also appropriate for the defendant and the defense team to wear angel pins in support of Nicole, as Simpson’s ex-wife and the mother of his children!

The most outrageous inappropriate conduct in this case has been Cochran’s blatant and manipulative “spin” to the media on the day’s events after court. That arrogant “PR ploy” should not be allowed while the murder trial is ongoing!


Los Angeles

* Hello, Judge Ito! I am wearing my gold angel pin every day. Shame, shame on you for listening to the nonsensical request of the defense team.


Santa Maria
