
L.A.SPEAK : Ski Instructor Slang

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air n. height on a jump. “ He caught a lot of air on that mogul.”

brain bucket n. child’s safety helmet. “ The worst part of kids’ lessons is getting them into their brain buckets.”

flounder n. skier who canrquote t even get on the chair lift.

hospital air n. lots of air. “ Liz got some major air, but I got hospital air.”

knuckle-draggers on lunch trays n. snowboarders on snowboards.

puking v. snowing heavily.

punter n. a hopeless student. “ I suggested to that punter that maybe he oughta dump the Rossis and take up bowling.”

Scud n. a rocketing, out-of-control skier.

starfish v. to fall in a comical, cartwheeling motion. “ That Scud was full-on starfishin’ .”


still and clear adj. snowing heavily and continuously. “ Itrquote s still and clear--still snowing and clear up to your waist.”

trout n. a know-it-all student. Characterized by trademark eye-roll at an instructor’s advice.

yard sale adj. the aftermath of a spill in which a skier flies out of his skis, poles, hat and goggles. A commonly heard ejaculation from supportive passers-by on the chair lift.
