
Sybert’s Mistake

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Richard Sybert keeps complaining about Rep. Anthony C. Beilenson’s closing of his Thousand Oaks office. Now I understand that as Mr. Sybert was defeated in his bid against Beilenson, he has an ax to grind. However, I think he makes a mistake in chastising the congressman for his efforts in trying to reduce expenses. Most people in the 24th District understand that everyone in government has to do their part in reducing spending. The congressman’s office is still reached by a toll-free call.

As for Mr. Sybert’s suggestion that the congressman cut back on franked mail, Mr. Sybert knows that one expenditure cannot be substituted for another. The franking fund is separate and apart and cannot be used for any other purpose.

Maybe Mr. Sybert does not write to the congressman, but I do. I appreciate getting an answer to my letters. And I, for one, find the newsletters very informative.


JOAN GORGERWestlake Village
