
Faulty Forecasts

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Your graphic on the Doppler Weather Radar System, Feb. 14, implied that weather forecasting ought to be improving since this new system has been in operation. Although the system produces pretty pictures for television, there has been no improvement in the accuracy of forecasts, even in the very short range (a few hours). Warnings have been given for storms that did not materialize and storms were completely missed by the forecasters. In general, the weather forecasts still fail to accurately predict the intensity of rain to be expected from approaching storms.

Recently, the U. S. Weather Service failed to provide even four hours warning of the rain that washed out an entire Medfly spraying operation in Camarillo. That spraying must now be redone at a cost to the taxpayers of $90,000 and at considerable inconvenience to Camarillo residents.

The extensive, redundant radar coverage of California is a waste of tax money for this area where weather patterns are rather benign compared to other parts of the country. Since our weather consists almost exclusively of precipitation which is not very susceptible to tracking by radar, these expensive resources should be reassigned to other areas where destructive winds and thunderstorms present a real hazard and where little radar coverage exists or is planned.



