
Job-Training Funds

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I was informed by the Western Job Training Partnership Assn. (of which I am a board member) about some alarming decisions made Feb. 10. The House Appropriations Committee passed a bill that would rescind $200 million from the Job Training Partnership Act program that trains disadvantaged youths in skills they need for entry into the labor market.

This program is a “second chance” system for young people and targets those whom the traditional education system has failed to reach. This includes drop-outs, offenders, those with limited educational skills and teen-age parents.

Across the United States, several hundred thousand youths will be denied opportunities. In Ventura County, it will be several hundred.


We all know that cuts in the federal budget need to be made. What infuriates me is that the $200 million cut from JTPA is to help offset $700 million in extra spending for peacekeeping activities in Haiti and Somalia.

It is unconscionable to think that money that could be spent on preparing our nation’s future work force, targeted to youth with the greatest needs, would be used for military activities in other countries.


Simi Valley

Simi’s Image

Ever since the Rodney G. King verdicts some time ago, our community has waged an uphill battle to convince those who would listen that the citizens of Simi Valley are not a bunch of redneck, pistol-packing reactionaries. Indeed, we are in many ways typical--our citizens are diverse, open-minded, law abiding, fair.


It is with that in mind that I found the recent comments by Sandi Webb regarding the shooting in L. A. so very harmful to the rebuilding of our image. Ms. Webb’s strong belief that this person did something to be applauded is not shared by all who live here. The taking of a life under such circumstances is a tragedy, and the behavior of this “vigilante” borders on the criminal. I for one certainly hope that he does not relocate to Simi Valley.

Furthermore, for an elected official such as Webb to publicly state that her “God-given right” to act in a particular manner supersedes any law or statute should be of concern to us all. Is Ms. Webb advocating that her constituents likewise choose to obey only the laws (including misdemeanors) their “God” would approve? Is this the message that we want to give our children, at the same time we are trying so hard to keep weapons out of our schools? Just exactly where do we draw the line on this?

I would hope that our elected officials would keep the views of all citizens in their community in mind before making public comment.



Simi Valley
