
LOS ANGELES : Judge Blocks Printing of April 11 Sample Ballots

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A judge on Thursday barred the city clerk from printing sample ballots for the April 11 special election, pending a hearing on whether the explanation for one measure is misleading to voters.

Superior Court Judge Robert O’Brien issued the temporary restraining order after hearing arguments from Councilman Nate Holden. He contended that the ballots are biased in favor of proposed Charter Amendment 2, a measure he opposes.

The amendment would give the mayor and City Council sole authority to hire and remove top city administrators, according to Holden’s court papers.


Deputy City Atty. Anthony Alperin argued that O’Brien’s order means that the city will lose about $7,500 a day starting tomorrow, when the ballots were scheduled for printing. O’Brien set a Feb. 27 hearing on the matter.

Holden claims that the sample ballots, which review the pros and cons of each measure, state that the city’s department heads are unaccountable, and that the amendment would fix the problem.
