
Growling at ‘The Lion King’ Video

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As scores of American parents are now aware, with the purchase of “The Lion King” video, you also get a 10-minute commercial for Disney before each viewing. If you don’t fast-forward, you (or more likely your impressionable youngster) have to listen to a litany of reasons why you should visit Disney World, watch the new movie “Pocahontas” and see the latest Disney movie when it comes out on video.

I was annoyed when we got a complete tour of Disney facilities and a fatherly chat from Roy Disney along with “Snow White.” I was peeved when we saw more of the ever-present “Pocahontas,” and met the people who drew her, when we bought Disney’s “Lion King Sing Along” video. But I’ve reached the limit with the infomercial ahead of “Lion King.” Isn’t it enough that Disney expects to sell more than 24 million copies of the video? Aren’t they satisfied with “Lion King” merchandise sales of $1 billion to date?

Aside from the obvious punishment of sitting Disney executives in front of a never-ending loop of the late-night Nordic Track show, I suggest rewriting the signature “Pocahontas” song that appears on the preview: “Can you sing with all the marketing of Disney? Can you paint with all the colors--or just green?”



