
Don’t Cave In to the Angels

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* For the most part, I applaud your Orange County Perspective editorial “Anaheim’s Carry-On Spirit” (March 6). However, I must point out that a related subject has not been addressed--Anaheim’s apparent dogged determination to cave in to the demands of the (California) Angels that a brand new “baseball-only” stadium be built at great expense next to Anaheim Stadium.

The immediate question that comes to mind is, “Why?” Why, in this era of Orange County’s fiscal disaster, is the city so willing to plow millions of dollars into a new stadium that’s so totally unnecessary . . . except to line the pockets of Angels’ management? What have they done for us lately, other than continue to raise prices for an inferior, non-competitive product?

The argument that the Big A is somehow “old” and not sufficiently “state-of-the-art” is a total red herring. The vast majority of major league stadiums are older than the Big A. Even Dodger Stadium is older, and you don’t hear anybody screaming for its replacement. If the new stadium is built, the Big A will become an instant white elephant.


The city was right not to succumb to the Rams’ legalized extortion, and they should hold the same line against the Angels’ implied threat to leave the area if they don’t get everything they want. This reminds me of a spoiled child being indulged by a weak-kneed parent.


La Habra
