
A summary of selected City Hall actions in the past week affecting central Los Angeles.

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* LITTLE LEAGUE: Approved an agreement between the city and Little League Baseball Inc., designating Martin Luther King Jr. Park, 3934 S. Western Ave., as the first in the central city to host Little League baseball games, beginning in April, 1996. An official Little League baseball field, complete with fences and grandstands, will be built with $169,000 donated by the Hilton Foundation and the Amateur Athletic Foundation. Currently, organized youth baseball is played at the park, but it is under local jurisdiction. The winner of next year’s league competition at the park will be eligible to compete in the Little League World Series at Williamsport, Pa. Jim Gilbert, the city’s park supervisor for sports, said that there are plans to have four more parks in the central city enter into similar agreements with the Little League. Gilbert said one reason no central city park previously has operated as part of the Little League is that teams sanctioned by the national group are funded primarily by the parents of players, and many central city residents can’t afford that expense.

* FIRE VIOLATIONS: Instructed the city attorney to prepare an ordinance that calls for courts to impose a fine of as much as $1,000 and up to a six-month jail term for building owners who do not correct fire-safety violations within 30 days of being cited. Currently, the law requires that the owners appear in court, but there are no sentencing guidelines.

* BUILDING VIOLATIONS: Accepted several properties into the city’s Rent Escrow Account Program, which is designed to encourage landlords to quickly repair and better maintain their buildings. Once a building is placed into the program, also known as REAP, tenants place their rents into a city account; the city keeps $50 of every rent payment and the remaining money is turned over to the landlords once the repairs are made. Here are the properties added to the list and the type of violations: 1648 S. St. Andrews Place, plumbing and gas; 6412-18 1/2 South 11th Avenue, plumbing and gas; 2315-2317 S. Lucerne Ave., electrical; 832 S. Normandie Ave., electrical.



How South-Central and Eastside City Council representatives voted on selected issues.

* HOUSING PROJECT IMPROVEMENTS: Approved an agreement with Los Angeles County to use nearly $1.6 million in Proposition A funds to replace the community building at the Pico Gardens housing project and for landscaping and other improvements at the Ramona Gardens housing project. No date has been set for the start of the work at the East Los Angeles projects. Passed 11-0. Voting yes: Richard Alatorre, Jackie Goldberg, Mike Hernandez, Nate Holden, Mark Ridley-Thomas, Rudy Svorinich Jr., Rita Waters.
