
COUNTERPUNCH LETTERS : Supporters Call Margaret Cho a Pioneer

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Regarding the article, “In Defense of the ‘All-American Girl’ ” (Counterpunch, March 20), we wholeheartedly support Executive Producer Gary Jacobs and the cast of the show.

We’d like to add that organizations such as the Media Action Network for Asian Americans--a grass-roots group that awarded Margaret Cho and the show an achievement award--and the Asian American Players Guide have not only publicly supported the show but are also engaged in a postcard/letter-writing campaign to persuade ABC to renew the program for a second season.

While no one should blindly support any endeavor, we must recognize the importance of pioneering efforts of individuals like Margaret Cho and all those involved with “All-American Girl.”


If we lose the show, the community will take a giant step backward because Hollywood, in its shortsightedness, will most likely dismiss Asian Americans from the airwaves for a long time.




Asian American Players Guide

Studio City


I have cringed at the many cultural and ethnic inaccuracies on “All-American Girl.” Lame and one-dimensional writing has many times insulted my intelligence. Yet I have loyally watched every episode because it is important that I support a fellow sister, who as a pioneer is paving the way for other Asian Americans.

Through her meteoric rise as a comic, Margaret Cho serves as an inspiration and role model for young Korean Americans. She is living proof that a Korean American can bravely break free from parental expectations and cultural stereotypes and succeed in the mainstream entertainment industry.

We must support an artist like Cho, who is fighting to make her ethnic group more palatable to mainstream America. It’s a lonely battle that she’s fighting and she is fighting for all of us. And there are thousands of Korean Americans who are 1,000% behind her.


