
Public Deserves Board’s Explanation

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Since the November elections, we have heard much about the GOP “contract with America.” Whether it passes intact or not, we in America have had a chance to see, read and form our own opinions about the contents of the contract. Now it is time for our Board of Supervisors to prepare and announce a “contract with Orange County” that will address the tax increase proposal on the June ballot.

As a trustee of the North Orange County Community College District, I just sat through a two-hour presentation of the settlement agreement contract between the Board of Supervisors and schools, cities and special districts that have investments in the bankrupt Orange County pool.

At the end of the presentation, I asked why the agreement did not reference the use of the half-cent sales tax increase proposal that the Board of Supervisors recently placed on the June ballot. I was told that the tax would be used as collateral to pay for bonds that will raise immediate cash for the county, but that the cash cannot be used to compensate the investor losses in the pool. So I asked: “Can the supervisors use the money indirectly to compensate for the losses?” The answer was, “Yes, they have promised to use their best efforts.”


That is not good enough for me to support the tax hike. When you consider that the Board of Supervisors was asleep at the wheel when they allowed (former county Treasurer-Tax Collector Robert L.) Citron to sink the county into bankruptcy, why should I or any other voter trust them to do their best effort?

Orange County needs to see a well-thought-out tax increase plan published by the Board of Supervisors before the June election. The plan must show how much cash the half-cent sales tax increase will raise, including specifics of how much will be used directly or indirectly to address the shortfall of the investor losses in the pool and an implementation timetable.

The Board of Supervisors cannot continue to play the game of “trust me” with citizens, schools, cities and special districts in Orange County. We need to see a county recovery plan detailing how the new tax will be allocated and spent. Then voters can form opinions with some knowledge when they cast their ballot in June for or against the sales tax increase.



Trustee, North Orange County

Community College District


I have two points to make in response to the comments made by Supervisor (William G.) Steiner regarding Measure R (“Taxing Testimony,” March 30). No. 1, I resent the implication that the responsibility for this tax lies on the school districts and the cities.

This position will be the scapegoat used by county officials to absolve themselves of the political fallout from asking for a tax increase. The school districts are not asking for a tax increase, we are only asking for what is due to us. We are not asking for additional money to improve schools.

We are asking for the money that was in effect stolen from us by the ineptitude of the county treasurer and a lack of oversight by county supervisors.


I will probably vote for this tax. If I am asked by my constituents if I support it, I will tell them only what I know to be true, that if Ocean View School District does not receive 100% of the money we had in the county treasury, we will have to make cuts that will affect schools and children. I am not an elected county official, it is not my job to decide county finances, it is my job to do what is best for the students of this school district.

No. 2, why (is Steiner) surprised that there were few representatives from schools at the meeting? The last time representatives from Ocean View School District spoke at a supervisors’ meeting we were not welcomed and were in fact vehemently attacked during the meeting and afterward. It is obvious that the supervisors are not used to the public comments and do not welcome them. Supervisor Steiner, please do not hide behind the children of the county. You helped create this problem, step up and be part of the solution.


Trustee, Ocean View School District
