
Politics: Movement to Recall Councilwoman

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Regarding the articles about the recall movement against me, and specifically the article of April 6, the Los Angeles Times should note the following facts and make a more sincere attempt to publish the truth instead of gossip.

The leaders of the recall movement support building the MRF (waste-to-rail facility) near Walnut and have ties to waste-hauling companies. They hope to replace four council members with people sympathetic to their goals.

Gossip has been spread which is untrue. I believe in open, honest government. All citizens should have easy access to public information. At times this may be inconvenient, but most staff members know how important this right is.


All people have the right to speak with whomever they choose, and I vigorously support this right. However, confidential personnel evaluations should remain confidential. My reminders to keep such information confidential have been deliberately misrepresented.

The City Council are the elected representatives of the people and are answerable to the residents. The city manager is an employee who is answerable to the City Council. The city manager wanted a more powerful role in running our government. The manager was unhappy with her rightfully limited role and is no longer employed by the City of Walnut.

Of the many groups in Walnut, I belong to and support the Republican Women, the Walnut Valley Womens’ Club and CARE (Cultural Awareness and Resource Exchange). While I wish to see all ethnic groups represented as members of CARE, I have never expressed any opinion about the Walnut Anglo-American Assn., contrary to what has been falsely reported in The Times.


I am proud of our many ethnic and affinity groups, and I am offended that malcontents would imply otherwise. I would never utter racial slurs or any other kind of slurs, as I believe all people should be treated with respect and consideration. I believe that the many ethnic and affinity groups in Walnut have much in common. We share similar goals; we cherish our quality of life; we want safe neighborhoods. All our residents came to this haven of Walnut for the same reasons. Some in the community emphasize our differences. I celebrate our similarities.

I have spent my time on the council working for the benefit of Walnut residents. I have vigorously fought the MRF, opposed grading which would supply dirt to extend the life of BKK dump, voted against new taxes, worked to establish a community center and Dial-a-Ride, supported youth services and pushed for additional police services. My 30 years of service to the community of Walnut are proof that my “personal agenda” while serving on council is to fairly represent all the residents of Walnut and to preserve the quality of life in our city.

JUNE WENTWORTH City Councilwoman Walnut
