
Breast Cancer Funds

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Re “Exposing Medicine’s Sex-Bias Hoax,” Commentary, April 3:

As a breast cancer survivor I find the contents of this article offensive. Dr. Andrew Kadar, what is gnawing at you? Why do you choose to look at only 1994’s allotment of government funding for breast cancer research and ignore past years’ neglect and the current year’s cut? In 1995, government funding for breast cancer research is cut to $313 million from 1994’s $410 million; for prostate cancer, it is increased to $59 million from $55 million; for lung, colon and prostate cancer combined, it is increased to $261 million from $235 million. Referring to breast cancer advocates as gender-bias claimants is uncalled for. It is due to the concerted efforts of the National Breast Cancer Coalition and some key people in the Clinton Administration that funding was increased to $410 million in 1994. Over 2.6 million signatures were collected in 1993 calling for increased funding. NBCC President Fran Visco says, “We don’t want a larger piece of the pie. We want a larger pie!” YVONNE CHANG

