
OXNARD : District Votes to Alter Bilingual Education

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Officials at the Oxnard School District voted to eliminate bilingual classes at the fifth- and sixth-grade level, and to put students who have limited or no knowledge of English into a special class for intensive language and cultural training.

During its Wednesday meeting, the trustees voted unanimously to approve a proposal submitted by parents, teachers, community leaders and school administrators, suggesting that the incoming fifth- and sixth-graders with limited English skills be placed in a classroom of about 30 students.

In the special class, the newcomers would be taught basic reading, writing and vocabulary, as well as the district’s regular academics, said Stephanie Purdy, who has headed the task force.


Currently, the district has 175 fifth- and sixth-graders attending bilingual classes in the district’s 14 schools, Purdy said. Whenever a class has at least five students with limited knowledge of English, it is required to be taught in English and Spanish, she said.

The new program is expected to begin in August.
