
Orange County Almanac

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About 130 years ago, outlaws roamed what is now South County.

One of the most notorious was Juan Flores, who formed a gang of about 50 men and robbed and terrorized the area between Los Angeles and San Juan Capistrano.

All of the area was then under the jurisdiction of Los Angeles County, and in 1857, Sheriff James Barton rode into the Newport Bay area seeking Flores and his men. The gang, however, ambushed the lawmen. The sheriff and three deputies were killed in the battle.

Flores was later caught in the area that is now Irvine Regional Park. He was convicted and hanged in Los Angeles.



Images of Asia are the subject of an art show titled “Shadows of Our Forgotten Ancestors” at the Thrill You Art Gallery in Costa Mesa.

The gallery is showing the work of artists from Orange County as well as China, Japan and Bali. Works include original oils, watercolors and sculpture.

Admission to the gallery is free. It’s at 130 E. 17th St., Suite D, Costa Mesa. The show runs through April 30.


Information: (714) 642-5948.
