
AIRPORT WATCH : Growing Pains

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The Burbank-Glendale-Pasadena Airport, one of the region’s most important and popular transportation resources, seems to be anything but popular close to home. The Burbank City Council has voted 3 to 2 to oppose a $109.8-million package that would have financed land acquisition for a new and larger terminal.

The three cities each have three commissioners on the Airport Authority. Two of the three commissioners from each member city must vote for the expansion if it is to pass, and majority opposition in any one of the cities can block it.

Shortly after the Burbank council’s 3-2 vote, Burbank Mayor Bill Wiggins, Vice Mayor Dave Golonski and Councilwoman Susan Spanos directed the city’s commissioners to oppose the financing measure when it comes up on Monday--an action that in effect would block the expansion.


The Burbank City Council actions were unfortunate because the Airport Authority, after it earlier withdrew a proposed financing package, had agreed to most of the demands for changes that the Burbank council had made. Burbank wanted veto power over all aspects of construction financing for the new facility. Given the strong opposition of residents to current and expected noise problems, the Airport Authority was unwilling to agree to that.

The airport has been trying to meet increasing demand for new flights. Surely it is possible to fashion a compromise that can both address that demand and meet the major objections being pressed by concerned neighbors.
