
Source of Offensive Flyers Sought

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Flyers featuring a photograph of a nude man along with a misogynist message were placed in the mailboxes or on the front doors of 10 homes in the northwestern San Fernando Valley, authorities said Monday.

Police were going door-to-door in five Chatsworth neighborhoods to find any other residents who may have received the black-and-white photocopied flyers Monday morning, Los Angeles Police Sgt. Jill Niles said.

“People are interested in where the flyers came from,” Niles said. “Nobody has been arrested, but we want to talk to people in those neighborhoods who may have seen someone walking around with flyers in their hand.”


The flyers show a picture of a young white man in the nude, accompanied by an anti-woman statement, Niles said.

“It is not a crime yet,” she said. “But it offends a lot of people.”
