
HUNTINGTON BEACH : Traffic Ban Proposed for Night of July 4

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Police and merchants, hoping to end the rowdiness that has marred Fourth of July celebrations in recent years, are proposing to close downtown to auto and pedestrian traffic after dark on the holiday.

The plan has been presented to the city attorney’s office for review, Police Lt. Dan Johnson said.

“We have been increasingly concerned about the level of violence after dark on the Fourth of July,” Johnson said. “We tried increasing deployment last year, and it didn’t work.”


Instead, the number of arrests rose last year to a total of 542 over the holiday weekend, Johnson said. Officers typically arrest about 25 people a day in the city, he said.

Fearing property damage, all but a handful of the city’s 100 downtown businesses have united in a decision to close by 7 or 8 p.m. on the holiday, Johnson said.

Deputy City Administrator Richard Barnard said City Hall officials also back the plan.

“This is to ensure that the type of activity that occurred last year and the year before does not occur again,” Barnard said. “We’re not going to permit that type of rowdiness. If you’re going to break the law, we’d rather you go somewhere else.”


Last year, police used a water truck to break up fights. Several lawsuits filed subsequently allege that the officers used excessive force.

“We would like to see if we can change the environment for this one day,” Johnson said.
