
Environmentalism Key to Existence

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After reading the letter written by Jordan A. Simpson (“Earth’s Pillagers Get This Man’s Vote,” April 9) regarding his position on environmentalists, I felt compelled to respond.

Mr. Simpson is correct when he states that the UC Irvine professor’s study, in which the sample size was 185 people, is probably not sufficient to conclude that everyone is an environmentalist. However, this is the only point on which I agree with him.

Mr. Simpson draws a comparison of the human race’s existence to dinosaurs as a basis for touting human superiority in “exploiting” and “conquering” our environment. His comparison is arrogant and unreasoned. Humans have been in existence on this planet for only a minute fraction of the length of time that dinosaurs were.


There is a delicate balance on this earth, which has been proved by creatures such as the dinosaurs, who lived for millions and millions of years before they died off for unknown reasons. To imply that they were unsuccessful is ridiculous. To imply that humans have been so successful is prematurely self-serving.

We humans need to carefully and responsibly consider our actions while we inhabit this planet. Selfish abuse of the planet for short-term gain will affect our children and future generations. Failure to act responsibly may prove that we are not so superior to the dinosaurs after all. We should be so lucky as to survive as long; however, at this pace (with pronouncements by people like Mr. Simpson), things do not look very promising. We are tenants on this planet, not landlords.


