
Sex Education Issue Not Reported Well

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Media coverage of the Ventura County School District and the sex education controversy shows a surprising lack of depth and understanding. Mental images of human heads filled with burning books and students with covered eyes play along with a diversion of the debate on public education.

Charles Weis, Ventura County superintendent of schools (a very highly paid, elected position which the public generally does not monitor), has purposely spit in the face of Christian parents to trigger a very predictable reaction. With an eerie similarity to public officials who exploited anti-Jewish, anti-religious bigotry in Germany during the 1930s, Charles Weis then paints himself as a champion opposing ignorant, book-burning Christians.

The controversy diverts public attention from the three key issues facing Ventura County schools: (1) Charles Weis is part of an education Mafia that feeds on the public, views parents with contempt and shortchanges our children; (2) education quality is slowly deteriorating; and (3) more and more good students are finding weapons and groups necessary for protection.


I hope that newspapers, Christians and the general public are not easily manipulated and diverted from the key issues facing Ventura County schools.


Newbury Park
